

  • 發布單位:花蓮縣富里鄉戶政事務所

結核病是可預防可治療的疾病。若被通知為結核病接觸者,請務必配合衛生單位進行相關檢查及潛伏結核感染治療評估,及早接受治療可降低發病風險。Tuberculosis is a preventable and treatable disease. If notified of tuberculosis contact, please be sure to cooperate with the health unit for relevant examinations and latent tuberculosis infection treatment assessment. Early treatment can reduce the risk of disease.
結核病是空氣傳染的疾病,請保持室內通風,落實呼吸道衛生。如果您持續咳嗽超過兩週請盡快就醫。Tuberculosis is an airborne disease. Please keep indoor environment ventilated. Fulfill respiratory tract hygiene. Please see a doctor if you have a persistent cough over 2 weeks.
本土M痘ing,近1年有風險性行為者、過去曾罹患性病;或性接觸對象有前述任一情形者,請儘速接種2劑M痘疫苗,以預防M痘疾病發生。Mpox cases occur constantly. People who have engaged in risky sexual behaviors in the past year, who have been diagnosed with STDs, or who have sexual partners with any of the risks mentioned previously, please receive 2 doses of Mpox vaccine as soon as possible to prevent the occurrence of Mpox disease.
珍愛自身,有「篩」真好:有性行為者、有無套性行為者、有感染風險行為者,請定期「愛滋篩檢」掌握自身健康!People who are sexually active, who have unprotected sexual intercourse, or who have higher risk of getting HIV, please take HIV tests regularly to manage your own health!